Taming Our Wild Elephant Mind

July 6 - August 10
6:00 - 7:15 pm

Most of us know the feeling of our mind being out of control: bouncing back and forth between different thoughts, racing wildly when we wish we could settle down, or obsessing about something that makes us feel worse and worse. When it gets really bad, our mind can be like a wild elephant, causing massive destruction and upending our life.

Through practice and with support, we can change this situation. Through patiently developing our mindfulness, we will begin to develop a stable peace and happiness. Our mind will become flexible and comfortable. We will be able to maintain an attitude that promotes peace and happiness, and stop obsessive or anxious thoughts before they spiral out of control. Through this our life will become more meaningful and fulfilling, and we will be an uplifting force in the lives of those around us.

In this series, Gen Rinzin will explain practical meditation techniques to help us tame the wild elephant mind and experience a peaceful, happy mind throughout our life.

Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before class to sign in and get settled. Our classes start on time. No Buddhist background or previous meditation experience required. You may drop-in any week or attend the entire series!

$12 /class

$40 /full series

(free for supporting members)

Become a supporting member!

Everyone is welcome!

For members requesting Zoom link:

Resident Teacher:
Gen Kelsang Rinzin

Gen Kelsang Rinzin was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2004 and taught at Heruka Buddhist Center in Fort Collins, Colorado for 15 years. Gen Rinzin communicates his love of Dharma with a down-to-earth approach and humor that helps the listener appreciate and understand the teachings and put them into practice. His teachings are clear and practical, making them easy to apply to modern life.