Opening Our Heart, Healing Our Mind

November 17 - December 29
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

“To have the opportunity to practise this precious and profound teaching is infinitely more meaningful than being given all the precious jewels in the world.”

– Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

This Thursday series will be based on Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s book Universal Compassion: Inspiring Solutions for Difficult Times.

Gen Kelsang Rinzin will provide practical instructions showing how to transform even the most difficult daily life experiences into opportunities for spiritual growth through developing and enhancing minds of universal love and compassion. Ancient meditative techniques that have been tried and tested for centuries are brought alive and made relevant to our everyday experiences.

No prior meditation experience or Buddhist background necessary. Everyone is welcome! 

Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before class to sign in and get settled.

Not a member: $10

I am a supporting member: free

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Resident Teacher: Gen Kelsang Rinzin

Gen Kelsang Rinzin was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2004 and taught at Heruka Buddhist Center in Fort Collins, Colorado for 15 years. Gen Rinzin communicates his love of Dharma with a down-to-earth approach and humor that helps the listener appreciate and understand the teachings and put them into practice. His teachings are clear and practical, making them easy to apply to modern life.