Meditations for a Kind Heart:
The Healing Power of Cherishing Others
April 17 - May 1
12:00 - 1:00 pm
The mind that loves and cherishes others is extremely precious. Keeping such a good heart brings only happiness for ourself and all those around us.
In this series, Buddhist nun Kelsang Jima will explore the difference between love and attachment and offer guided meditations that can be practiced by anyone. With regular practice, these meditations help to develop greater peace of mind and happiness, and to improve our relationships with others through learning to love and cherish them.
Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before class to sign in and get settled. No Buddhist background or previous meditation experience required. You may drop-in any week or attend the entire series!
$10 / class (free for supporting members)
Everyone welcome!
Kelsang Jima
Kelsang Jima is a long time Kadampa Buddhist practitioner, and ordained nun. She found Dharma when her husband, Jim, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and it greatly helped the challenging years that followed. Jima teaches Dharma by bringing it into our daily lives and transforming adverse conditions into the Path. She teaches from the heart through readings from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s texts and also examples of experience in her own life as a nurse and caretaker for over 40 years.