Introduction Class

10 am - 4 pm
(in 3 sessions + lunch)

 Make effort to destroy the cycle of suffering
Enter the path to liberation
Abandon all delusions
And learn to cherish others

Even if we contemplate the most sublime paintings and works of art we cannot gain benefits that compare with the benefits of contemplating and meditating on the famous Buddhist diagram of the Wheel of Life. Designed by Buddha himself, the diagram teaches the inner mechanisms of our suffering and shows the path to freedom.

The Wheel of Life is a diagram designed by Buddha himself that teaches the complete path to enlightenment. It is an illustration based on twelve dependent-related links – a chain-like series of causes and effects – that explain why we suffer and how we can break free from the otherwise endless cycle of suffering, samsara.

Through contemplating and meditating on the Wheel of Life, the path to liberation becomes reality for us as we start to experience increasing freedom finally culminating in permanent inner and outer peace.

In this course, we will tour the Wheel of Life, learning to use this diagram to guide us in meditation and inspire us in our spiritual life.


Teaching 1 – 10:00 – 11:30 am

Teaching 2 – 12:00 – 1:15 pm

LUNCH – 1:15 – 2:30 pm

Teaching 3 – 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Not a member: $40

General Program member: 50% off

Foundation Program member: free

Become a supporting member!

Everyone is welcome!!

Resident Teacher:
Gen Kelsang Rinzin

Gen Kelsang Rinzin was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2004 and taught at Heruka Buddhist Center in Fort Collins, Colorado for 15 years. Gen Rinzin communicates his love of Dharma with a down-to-earth approach and humor that helps the listener appreciate and understand the teachings and put them into practice. His teachings are clear and practical, making them easy to apply to modern life.